Thursday, February 5, 2009


The University
of Illinois at Chicago Global Architecture Brigades (GAB UIC) spent January 5-9 visiting Granja Trapichito, the farm of Alejandro Rodriguez, were they conducted extensive surveys and site analyses to achieve a greater understanding of the agricultural tourism project on which they were to assist. They gained an incredible wealth of knowledge from Alejandro, who himself constructed each of the eight residential and utilitarian structures on the farm, with the help only of his two sons.

In addition to their preliminary information gathering, GAB UIC also conducted a design charrette with Alejandro to produce a cabin concept. They developed a two-story scheme that stacked a sleeping dorm above a shower, sink, workroom, and interior/exterior gathering space. The design was shaped dominantly by concepts of ambiguity and flexibility of space as well as the shielding and embracing of natural elements. Alejandro's own home provided valuable insight into dealing with strong northern winds and hot summer sun.

Alejandro is currently in the process of clearing and leveling his site for building, and GAB UIC is developing their design to the point of constructability. The process of cost analysis and materials procurement will begin within the next week, and GAB UIC will return to Alejandro's farm in May to assist with construction.

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